Portable Motion Capture Systems

Portable motion capture systems are becoming increasingly popular as they allow for more flexibility and freedom of movement than traditional studio-based systems. Portable motion capture systems can be used in a variety of settings, including outdoor environments, small spaces, and even on set during filming.

There are a number of different portable motion capture systems available on the market, but some of the most popular include:

  • Xsens MVN Analyze [Review]
  • Noitom Perception Neuron [Review]
  • Rokoko Smartsuit Pro [Review]
  • Vicon Vantage [Review]
  • OptiTrack Prime [Review]

These systems are all relatively lightweight and compact, making them easy to transport and set up. They also use a variety of different technologies to capture movement, including inertial sensors, optical sensors, and magnetic sensors.

The best portable motion capture system for you will depend on your needs and budget. If you need a system that is highly accurate and can be used in demanding environments, then the Xsens MVN Analyze is a fantastic option. However, it is also the most expensive system on this list.

If you are on a tighter budget, then the Noitom Perception Neuron or Rokoko Smartsuit Pro are great. These systems are both very affordable and relatively easy to use.

If you need a system that can be used in a variety of settings, including on set during filming, then the Vicon Vantage or OptiTrack Prime work well. These systems are both highly accurate and can be used to capture movement in a variety of lighting conditions. The major issue with these are the set ups are more delicate. Most crews are unfamiliar with the set-up too and so there is more of a chance of damage.

Portable motion capture systems are a great option for anyone who needs a flexible and easy-to-use motion capture solution. By comparing the different systems available on the market, you can find the one that is right for your needs and budget.

There are a number of reasons why you might use a portable motion capture system:

  • Flexibility: Portable motion capture systems can be used in a variety of settings, including outdoor environments, small spaces, and even on set during filming. This gives you more flexibility and freedom of movement than traditional studio-based systems.
  • Cost: Portable motion capture systems are typically less expensive than studio-based systems. This makes them a more affordable option for individuals and small businesses.
  • Ease of use: Portable motion capture systems are often easier to set up and use than studio-based systems. This makes them a good option for users who are new to motion capture.
  • Real-time tracking: Some portable motion capture systems offer real-time tracking, which allows you to see your movements animated on a screen as you perform them. This can be helpful for filmmakers and game developers who need to see how their characters are moving in real time.
  • Support for multiple users: Some portable motion capture systems can track multiple users simultaneously. This makes them a good option for teams that need to capture the movements of multiple actors at the same time.

Here is how portable systems are being used:

  • Filmmakers are using portable motion capture systems to capture the movements of actors on set eg if their movements are to be replaced with creatures. This allows them to create realistic animations without having to use expensive and time-consuming techniques like CGI. eg Thor: Ragnarok,
  • Game developers are using portable motion capture systems to capture the movements eg FIFA 16.
  • Animators use it for previz.
  • Athletes are using portable motion capture systems to analyze movements and improve their performance.
  • Rehabilitation therapists and physiotherapists to help patients recover from injuries, investigate gait issues.

Overall, portable motion capture systems are a versatile and affordable option for a variety of applications.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a portable motion capture system:

  • Consider the accuracy of the system. How important is it to you that the system is able to capture your movements accurately?
  • Consider the ease of use of the system. How easy is the system to set up and use?
  • Consider the cost of the system. How much are you willing to spend on a portable motion capture system?
  • Consider the portability of the system. How important is it to you that the system is lightweight and easy to transport?
  • Consider the features of the system. Does the system have all of the features that you need, such as real-time tracking and support for multiple users?

By considering all of these factors, you should be able to choose the most portable motion capture system for your needs.

Consider hiring from your local studio before purchasing. [Search here]

Message us for advice office[@]motioncaptureeurope.com Let us know your experiences or if you believe we left an important system off our list.