The difference between Motion Capture and Performance Capture

Motion capture (MoCap) and performance capture (P-Cap) are two related technologies that are used to create digital representations of human movement and performance. However, there is a key difference between the two.

Motion capture(MoCap) records the movements of the body, such as the position and orientation of the limbs, joints, and head. It does not capture facial expressions or vocal performance.

Performance capture(P-Cap) records the movements of the body, facial expressions, and vocal performance. It is a more comprehensive form of capture that can be used to create more realistic and expressive digital characters.

Motion capture is typically done using a suit equipped with markers that reflect or emit light. The markers are tracked by cameras, which capture the actor’s movements from different angles. The data from the cameras is then used to create a digital skeleton of the actor’s body.

Performance capture typically uses a combination of motion capture and facial capture technology. Facial capture technology uses cameras to track the movements of the actor’s facial muscles. The data from the cameras is then used to create a digital model of the actor’s face. It can be very accurate and capture nuance of emotion. P-Cap can also be as precise enough to include fingers. During a P-Cap shoot live sound might be recorded.

Motion capture and performance capture are used in a variety of industries, including video games, movies, television, and animation. They are used to create realistic and expressive digital characters that can be used in a variety of applications.

Examples of how motion capture and performance capture are used:

  • Motion capture:
    • The character Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies was animated using motion capture.
    • Many of the characters in the video game series Uncharted and The Last of Us were animated using motion capture.
  • Performance capture:
    • The characters in the Avatar movie were animated using performance capture.
    • The character Caesar in the Planet of the Apes movies was animated using performance capture.
    • Most cinematics in video games.

Which technology is right for you?

The best technology for you will depend on your needs and budget. If you need to create realistic and expressive digital characters, then performance capture is the best option. However, performance capture is typically more expensive than motion capture. It also takes a longer time to calibrate. Performers recording live sound can take up time. A film set can usually get about 5 pages a day in the can, a P-Cap shoot may get 3.

If you are on a tighter budget, then motion capture may be a better option. Motion capture can still be used to create realistic digital characters, but it may not be as expressive as performance capture. It will mean channeling more costs and time into animating.

No matter which technology you choose, motion capture and performance capture are powerful tools that can be used to create realistic and engaging digital characters.